Home-Office Continuum is designed and led by Danielle Bélec, creator of the Second Wind® Method, and master movement specialist with upwards of 30-years of experience as a movement therapist, Pilates master, teacher-trainer, and rehabilitation educator.
Improve circulation, tissue elasticity and range of motion
Easily integrated into the day while on a call or during breaks.
Improve energy, focus, productivity and enjoyment.
What is included:
Three 20-minute “Exercise-at-Your-Desk” sessions to stimulate your mind and body
One 20-minute “Sitting Meditation” session to calm and reset you before or after work
Ten quick 4-8 minute “Mini-Movement Breaks”
Three quick 4-8 minute “Meditation Breaks”
A total of 40+ exercises for all ages and abilities
An article on how to make simple acts of self-care easy to integrate into your life
Lifetime access to all the content
Why Danielle is Different?
While other corporate wellness programs use digitized bodies, stick-figures or on-site trainers, this program provides…
- Expert physical demonstration, verbal cuing and detailed instruction by a master movement specialist to ensure safety and results for each employee
- Personalized guidance and advice through LIVE monthly Zoom Classes/Q &A sessions to address both individual and group needs in “real-time”
- A unique combination of therapeutic movement and meditation that spans both mind and body self-care skills
- Safe, socially distanced assistance to employees to cope with the impact of the pandemic on their mental and physical health
- A cost-effective alternative to hiring personal training staff or providing an on-site gym
- Customization for unique and specific company needs upon request
- Future benefits including discounts on all Home Office Continuum and Second Wind Method programs
Benefits of Home-Office Continuum
For the Employee:
- Improve energy, focus, productivity and enjoyment
- Learn life changing habits of regular movement breaks while working
- Minimize over-use and misuse of your body (Repetitive Strain Injuries)
- Increase blood flow and nutrients to joints and soft tissue
- Decrease accumulation of muscular tension, stiffness, inflammation and pain
- Improve flexibility, tissue elasticity and range of motion
- Replace poor sitting habits with improved posture and function
- Easily integrated self-care while on a call or during work breaks
- Feel better, sleep better and live better!
For the Employer:
Employee health is central to corporate success. Stress, physical pain and mental lethargy contribute to disgruntled, unmotivated employees and absenteeism, hence….
- A value-added, cost-effective “proactive wellness and prevention program” leads to a happier and a more productive workplace
- Reduces the need for a reactive treatment program
- Reinforces productivity investment targets from hiring, education and mentoring of employees
How is Success Measured?
Receive initial employee satisfaction questionnaire to discern baseline of employees' needs prior to program commencement (scale of 1-5), customized with corporation feedback, addressing:
- Kind and degree of physical and mental stress
- Employer/employee communication (effectiveness and protocols) that may contribute to stress and/or decreased productivity and motivation
- Attitude/mood/energy concerns
- Interpersonal dynamics issues
- Work content/deadline challenges
- Follow up of employee satisfaction questionnaire presented at customized program intervals (i.e. after one month, three months, and/or five months) measuring:
- 1) Program benefits
- 2) Support by program director and employer
- 3) Program design and Suggestions
Observable improvements in productivity, morale and interpersonal communication are effectively assessed not solely by quantifiable measurements (time spent performing daily stretch-breaks versus total units-of-productivity), but importantly by the qualitative “subjective experience” of the employee/employer including:
- A decrease in stress and body pain through regular movement breaks
- Associated improvements in mental attitude, energy, focus and pride in one’s work
- Enhanced overall positivity in the workplace
- Better inter-staff communication
- Improved engagement in meeting problem-solving when one feels well
- Enhanced employee appreciation, loyalty and belonging (second family)
- Increase in productivity through ‘work smart’ hours minimizing body pain and brain fog distractions that result in unproductive downtime
“A company is an organic entity…if the entity isn't ‘well,’ it can’t prosper to its maximum. The energy of keeping a company growing and successful must be a two way street where the company gives back to those who contribute to its success.”
– David Gellman
Home-Office Continuum Corporate Packages
Need more than 100 licenses?
Contact Danielle directly for special pricing: [email protected]